Our Partners & Funders

Collaboration and partnerships are core to our model. We co-ordinate our efforts and work with the public and private sector to scale efforts within STEM for black learners.

Public and Private Sector


Our funders have provided the financial means necessary for our organisation to run our STEM programmes nationally. 

Public and Private Sector


Our partners support, collaborate and work with us to further our work at a high school, tertiary and workplace level to ensure that our learners can access bursaries to further their studies and can access the job market thereafter. 


About Us

Level 1 QSE BBEE Contributor

Registered Non-Profit Organisation

PBO Tax Exempt

15 + Years Experience

Founded by STEM Educators and Principals

Aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goal’s 

Founded in 2005

15 Years of outstanding STEM results 

25 788 Decent passes achieved in Maths & Science in 15 yrs

7208 Maths & Science Distinctions in 15 yrs

Aligned to the NDP 2030 National Priorities



We are a Non-Profit Organisation committed to accelerating the quality and quantity of Mathematics and Physical Science performance amongst township youth in South Africa. Growing and nurturing a black talent pool of professionals pursuing scarce skills careers like Commerce, Engineers, Science,  Mining, Technology and Mathematics.

Get In Touch 

Kutlwanong Head Office

Corner Christiaan De Wet and Dolfyn Road, Eagle Canyon Business Park. Flexispace. 1st Floor.Randparkrif, Extension 141, South Africa.  

010 443 8743
